Make attention grabbing videos for your socials

Create eye-catching social stat videos for all your products, announcements, and social media campaigns to convert more viewers into customers for your product or service!

Make a video now
Story by stat videoStory by stat videoStory by stat videoStory by stat videoStory by stat video

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Select a grid 👇🏻 and start 👈🏻 customizing it

Use cases

Social media accounts

Sharing numbers and stats is part of promotions on social media. People who maintain large social media pages, communities, groups often need better tools to make their stats attractive. Story by let&apops;s you turn plain text stats into eye-catching animated gifs or videos!

Indie makers on X

Story by is built in public and loves the community of indie makers, specifically on X. We understand that it is important for indie makers to grab audience attention quickly to make their product or service popular. Using Story by you can create eye-catching stat videos or gifs that bring you attention in very short time!

Testimonial videos

Testimonials bring the credebility about your product in the leads. It is important to make the testimonials appealing. Slick Story has templates to create attractive testimonial videos, review videos or rating videos quickly to post them on your social media!

Templates and Themes

Browse through the vast library of templates on Story by which suits for your requirement. You just have to do few clicks and download the video! You can even browse media from the stock!

Create social stat videos with templates



  • With watermark
  • Limited grids
  • Limited templates
  • Limited exports per month

Lifetime Deal

  • No watermark
  • All grids
  • All templates
  • Unlimited exports
  • Pay once use forever
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